I came across an interesting article about downloading your twitter archives, and viewing your first tweet, so I thought: “That may be fun to look at on a day off.”
First surprise: Independence day of 2011 marks the anniversary of my first tweet. I had to hold back the sentimental tears.
First Tweet: 7/4/11
Happy Birthday America! Land of the free, where people start businesses, pursue their dreams, and tweet in peace! No place like the USA…
I ran through my first month on twitter, July 2011. Other observations?:
Not much has changed. My first month on twitter had nearly identical topics as today, 10,000+ tweets later
Twitter clearly was the ground floor of the themes on this blog……
I laughed at some of these 2011 tweets, cringed at others, also surprised at a couple of observations from left field that turned out to be true. I’ve pasted in a representative sample of my first month, typos and bad spelling included, and grouped them by category I tweet about. Try downloading yours, it will be fun!
Business Principles: (Later to be marked by favorite Hashtags: #Hustle #Optimism #Leadership, and later evolved into HustleorBust)
The second half of 2011 is now 4 days old…good time to review your goals and progress, make sure youre at least half way there.
Wonder how many people say: “TGIM”: Thank God its Monday! LIfe’s too short for this not to be your goal. Make it a great week.
It still amazes me, the best advice I ever recieved is rarely followed, especially by those that want to get ahead in life: “Start Early! “
Friday is the best day of the week to open new doors….people start day dreaming, hustle is not high enough as weekend nears.
If your weeks game plan is not built Sunday evening, than you just need to #hustle a bit more Monday am. Have a great week.
Its hard, but getting a workout in, a stop @starbucks and at the desk at 6am is the best legal headstart on the chase. #motivation
Ideas & Shout-outs
2 birds w/ 1 stone: 55 minutes on treadmill while listening to a podcast featuring @HarveyMackay. IPOD nano is awesome, great content better
Still the best daily read for consumer products and retail pros @KevinCoupe morningnewsbeat.com
@barefoot_exec love your story, just watched your videos. Admire the impact you have made, especially with a child w/ special needs!
Big Picture Ideas, Observations & Criticisms
Unemployment still over 9 pct. Wonder if the days of 3 percent are long gone? Thoughts?
Here’s an idea. Eliminate interest tx deduction. Discourage excessive debt and apply tax code mre evenly against consumption, not debt
Another idea. Allow grads to deduct student loan debt on taxes. This is requirement for country to compete, and kids have massive debt.
Moody’s reviewing US debt for possible downgrade, same geniuses rating sub prime mortgage backed securities AAA helping to start this mess
The “elusion of exclusivity” creates demand, #google played their #google+ launch smart. Witnessed multiple people celebrate their invite.
Amazed at the growth + size of #groupon.The economics work great for them, but I don’t understand how its sustainable for their customers.
Probably late noticing a hot #trend, seems like there is a self serve frozen yogurt shop on every corner, all have edgy #brands
#RIMM with its rock solid balance sheet, golden brand name and what seems to be unresponsive mgt, Looks like a case study for #HBR.
I’m not a financial wiz, but the #aapl balance sheet and p&l are mind boggling. #Design + #Brand + constant pipeline = wealth creation
Attempt @ Wit & Humor
The Yankees
Would have been nice for the Core 4 to celebrate DJ 3K. Instead you had the key 3.
The Yankee captain had a day for the ages! @newyorkpost Report: Jeter is master of the dramatic –
A great moment: @RobinsonCano lifting his home run derby trophy up with his father. You don’t need to be a Yankee fan to love that sight.
By far, the most fun is engaging with like-minded people vs broadcasting a thought. Something about the simple thrill of sparking or jumping into a chat…
