“Get out in the field!”
It’s an expression in business that could mean a few things:
Visiting customers
Looking at the competitive marketplace
Working in the factory/front lines
In the Stores
The field is really anything that gets closer to the core of where the action is. Anyplace but the desk. And usually around people.
A recent market visit brought us to the Bronx Fish Market. A place few know exists and it’s not for the feint of heart!

After the fish market we hit a couple of local businesses in our space. And then my Italian roots took over. The calling of Arthur Avenue in Bronx NY. Some call it, “NY’s REAL Little Italy.” No argument here.

We found a gem of a small business, Tino’s Deli.
Hustle comes in many shapes and sizes.
Why was it a gem?
Food was fresher than fresh. Rare finds, no common name brands. But all the staples you’d expect in an Italian Deli.
It was spotless. Stainless steel garbage cans.
All the staff was happy we were there. How did we know? They smiled early, often and looked us in the eye.
The food met my expectations, and in this kind of store they are always sky high.
The owner Giancarlo Paciullo was a throw-back to an era where personal service was the norm. He brings a tear to the eye of a blog writer where the subtitle is “Where Old School Meets New School.”
I asked to take a picture with him after we were done with breakfast. Little did I know our server called him at home (he lives a couple blocks away) and he walked back to his place just to take a picture. I felt bad for inconveniencing him. But I really wanted to remember him. And he gave us a nice little bag for the road.

After looking at his website, I almost gasped at the little < 2 minute video, set to the awesome Guns & Roses “Patience.” There’s that Old School Meeting New School thing again…..
Small little businesses like Tino’s Deli do not spend millions on advertising. They earn loyalty one customer interaction at a time. They dazzle people with service from the heart.
Then their loyal customers take over and tell everyone that will listen about their experience.
Go Arthur Avenue. Go Tino’s Deli! Bravo.
We all get in ruts in while running our businesses. Simple solution. Get to the Field.